About us

Hi! I am Christiane Ebert.
I am a Pilates and Life Empowerment Coach and my goal is to help you realise and attain your goals.
I would like to help you build your body and mind through meaningful physical exercise designed specifically for you, while also nurturing your aspirations through intentional dialogue to help you raise the bar for yourself. Ultimately, your relationship with me is about empowering you. Directing you to your purpose, helping you navigate through life confident about your actions, inactions and self-awareness. Your time with me, is all about you. I want to get to know you but first, here is some information about me.
I wanted to live with pride, confidence and passion.
I wanted to live with purpose and intention.
I started my life as an adult rather suddenly, falling pregnant at 16 and giving birth to a beautiful baby boy. I finished my A-levels and then my desire to become a doctor had to step aside to make room for a nursing degree. I needed to earn money but wanted to stay in the field of helping people. I moved with my first husband to South Africa. My nursing degree from Germany was not recognized there and I wanted to be at home with my kids - I now also had 2 beautiful girls. I trained as a dress designer, again with a baby on my lap, and as a breastfeeding counselor.
My marriage fell apart and I rebounded into a new one. This marriage lasted 6 years. 6 years of domestic and emotional abuse. I had no idea how to stand on my own feet with 3 kids and had not told a soul what was going on in my life. I believed I deserved all of this. I was told everyday how useless I was and that I had the intelligence of zero. Finally, with the help of a friend I escaped, destroyed emotionally and bankrupt.
I lost my kids to my former best friend and my 1st husband which was devasting.
Suddenly I was the weekend parent, and at the receiving end of another kind of abuse, being told I was a useless mother. A year later I ended up in a relationship that I found out to a binge alcoholic but guess what, I loved him and in my naive thinking I believed love can solve and heal everything. I had my 4th child at 41 and loved it.
But his drinking got worse and it was very apparent that there was no love from the other side. An amazing dad but no interest in me. We left once again. I moved in with my best friend at the time and thought great let’s do that, uncomplicated and easy, two women bringing up their similar aged children together. Little did I know at that stage that there would be an expectation to grow this into a lesbian relationship. Please don’t get me wrong, I really don’t judge anyone’s sexual orientation, but this person and relationships were not for me and my default behavior of pleasing people had to come to an end. I had to own my choices and make different ones.

This was 5 years ago.
With lots of tenacity, tears, blood and sweat, and taking responsibility for failures, dusting myself off and trying again and again and signing up with an amazing coach, I can say today that I love my life. 40 years of not always good choices and taking a fair share of negative experiences have made me who I am today.
I run a Fitness and Pilates studio and a Life Coaching Practice from my beautiful home with my now 14-year-old. My older children are successful and happy and not all of them live close by, but we have an incredible relationship. I’ve taken those years and experiences as my schooling years which have helped me grow into an amazing, compassionate, empathetic, nonjudgmental, goal-driven “transformational success coach”.
Each step has taught me to listen, not judge, and walk-in somebody’s else’s shoes, to help and bring them to their next level self. This created my passion.