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What is life coaching

What is life coaching

Life coaching is a lot like fitness coaching. We hire personal trainers because there’s an area of our lives that we want to improve - our health and fitness - and we don’t believe we have the discipline, motivation, or knowledge to do it alone. So we pay someone to point us in the right direction, even though we’re the ones doing all the hard work at the end of the day.

Life coaches do the same. But rather than making you do push-ups, squats, and planks (although I’m more than happy to do that in my Pilates studio), I get you to look inward - to strengthen your mental and spiritual muscles, if you will - and point you in the right direction to achieve your life, career, and other personal goals. I don’t do the hard work for you but I'll motivate and encourage you every step of the way; I’ll ask the difficult questions that you’ve been avoiding; and I’ll give you the knowledge and resources you need to succeed.

How does life coaching work?

Life coaching starts with a ‘discovery session’, where we meet to chat about your goals, your challenges in achieving them, and the fears holding you back. We’ll drink coffee and brainstorm and see if life coaching is for you - and if we’ll be a good fit.

If we are, we’ll meet once a week - in person or over Skype - to talk about your progress, any setbacks you experienced during the week, and strategies to move forward. We’ll set and commit to actions for the week ahead so that you’re always focused on what you want. I’ll check in during the week, ask how you’re doing, and keep you accountable. If needed, we’ll shift targets and action plans but we’ll never, ever quit. Not until we’ve achieved what we set out to - together. I’ll always be available if you need help or support because MY goal is to see you succeed.

Why should I use a life coach?

Because motivation is a fickle thing and it’s hard to keep our eye on the prize when there are so many distractions, setbacks, and temptations grabbing our attention. One of my favourite quotes is, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Let’s be honest for a moment. How many times have you tried - and failed - to lose weight? How many times have you tried - and failed - to start your own business? How many times have you tried - and failed - to break free from an abusive relationship? It’s easy to slip back into bad habits when we don’t have the willpower or dedication to create new ones. If you want real, lasting change, you need to do something different. Drastically different. .

No more complaining.
No more ‘what ifs.’
No more guilt.

The easy option is no longer an option. Real change takes work. Hard work. It won’t be easy. You’ll want to quit. You’ll wonder why you started. But that’s why I’m here. To remind you, to encourage you, to get you back on track when you fall off the wagon for the hundredth time.

Is life coaching for me?

Life coaching is for everyone. We all have different areas of our lives that we want to improve, whether that’s achieving a goal, reducing stress, getting more organised, decluttering our lives, boosting our confidence, finding that elusive work/life balance, or completely changing the path we’re on. Life coaching is not a one-size-fits-all methodology. Well, it is, but the methods I use for each client will never be the same as the last.

What are the benefits of life coaching?

  • I keep you focused on what you really want in life, in work, and in your relationships
  • I help you identify your future self and the steps you need to take to become that person
  • If you don’t know what you want - but you know it’s not this, whatever this is - I help you to figure it out
  • I give you structure when it comes to achieving your goals, which means you’ll progress faster than if you were to do it alone
  • I give you the support, encouragement, and motivation to go after what you want - no excuses
  • I remind you that you’re investing in yourself - and that is priceless